澳尼斯人娱乐官方网站:虚拟现实头盔Oculus Rift暂停在华销售
本文摘要:Looks like Oculus is getting a (non-virtual) reality check.看起来,虚拟现实技术公司Oculus VR正在展开一次(非虚拟世界的)现状检查。

Looks like Oculus is getting a (non-virtual) reality check.看起来,虚拟现实技术公司Oculus VR正在展开一次(非虚拟世界的)现状检查。Oculus VR, the maker of Rift, a virtual reality headset, has suspended sales in China after reports that too many customers are reselling the developer kits for the sole purpose of cashing in on the desirable technology.Oculus VR公司是虚拟现实头盔Oculus Rift的生产商。目前在售的Oculus Rift仅有是获取给游戏开发商的开发工具。

据报导,许多中国客户正在挪用这一设备,而其唯一目的就是指这种令人艳羡的技术上乘机炒点益处。看见这一情形,Oculus VR公司停止了该设备在中国的销售。Interestingly, the company elected to announce the news on Reddit in response to a concerned customer asking about cancelled preorder sales in China. A company spokesperson with the username “TheTwistgibber” and the title “Customer Service Lead, Oculus VR” replied to the forum.有意思的是,该公司是在社交新闻论坛Reddit上问一名顾客发问时宣告这一消息的。该名顾客问到公司为何中止了中国区的预计订单。

消息的宣告人是公司的一名发言人,其网名为“TheTwistgibber”,职位是“Oculus VR公司客户服务主管”。“Yes, it is a bummer that we’ve had to suspend sales in China due to extreme reseller purchases,” said the spokesperson. “We need to make sure that we are doing what we can to make sure that resellers that are looking to flip our product for a profit are not taking stock away from legitimate developer purchases globally.”“是的,很失望,由于挪用不道德时有发生,我们被迫停止该设备在中国区的销售,”这名发言人说。“我们必须保证会有销售者借此利润,从而为合法的开发者获取充裕的货源。”The statement continued that the company is looking into “alternative ways” to ensure that the kids are “getting into legitimate developer hands in China.” The spokesperson added, “If you are an enthusiast, we kindly ask that you wait for the consumer Rift. It will be worth the wait.”该声明还说,公司正在企图采行一些“替代性方式”,将设备“递送中国合法游戏开发商的手中”。

这名发言人补足道:“如果您对该设备感兴趣,我们愿意地催促您,等Rift设备的消费者版本出来后再行出售——这种等候是有一点的。”But the company also said that the suspension isn’t permanent, although more information is not available yet. “I don’t have any timeline, but we have made it a priority. We love our developers,” continued the spokesperson.公司同时提及,停止销售并非永久性措施,但是回应并没得出更加多信息。“我没一个时间表,但我们不会优先处置这项工作。

我们高度重视开发商,”发言人补足道。Oculus verified the statement’s legitimacy to Fortune, although declined to add further information.Oculus公司向《财富》杂志证实了这一消息,但拒绝接受获取更加多信息。Facebook FB -1.51% agreed to pay $2 billion to buy Oculus Rift in March, according to a Fortune story. Additionally, Oculus enjoyed a brief stint at Chuck E. Cheese’s earlier this year.据《财富》报导,今年3月份,Facebook曾回应不愿以20亿美元的价格卖给Oculus Rift。

另外,今年早些时候,Oculus公司还在连锁餐厅Chuck E. Cheese’s举行了短期的Rift设备体验活动。




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