本文摘要:Xiaomi, the fast-growing Chinese gadget maker, will make its first tentative steps into the US market this year.快速增长的中国移动设备制造商小米(Xiaomi),今年将向美国市场迈进试探性的第一步。

Xiaomi, the fast-growing Chinese gadget maker, will make its first tentative steps into the US market this year.快速增长的中国移动设备制造商小米(Xiaomi),今年将向美国市场迈进试探性的第一步。The five-year-old company, which was valued at roughly $45bn in a fundraising last year, will launch an array of accessories through its mi.com ecommerce portal in the coming months.这家正式成立只有5年的企业在去年一轮融资中估值超过大约450亿美元。它将在随后几个月里,通过其mi.com电子商务门户网站,向美国发售一系列电子配件。

However, Xiaomi said it will not bring the smartphones for which it is best known to the US yet, focusing on lower-cost items such as headphones, battery packs and fitness trackers, because of what its executives described as high regulatory and legal requirements for more expensive and sophisticated devices such as mobile phones and television sets.不过,小米回应,目前还会向美国发售其最著名的智能手机产品,而不会把精力放到耳机、电池宝和健美追踪设备等价格较低的商品上。小米主管回应,这么做到的原因是,对于移动电话和电视机等更加便宜和更加仪器的设备,监管和法律方面的拒绝很高。

“We intend to launch here in the US in a few months, perhaps a few other markets as well,” Hugo Barra, Xiaomi’s head of global, said in San Francisco on Thursday.周四,小米全球主管雨果巴拉(Hugo Barra)在旧金山回应:“我们想几个月后在这里向美国发售我们的产品,或许我们还不会向其他几个市场发售产品。”In its first significant press conference held in the US, Lin Bin, Xiaomi’s co-founder, set out his vision for the business, which saw revenues increase 135 per cent to Rmb74.3bn ($11.9bn).在小米在美国举行的首个大型记者招待会上,该公司联合创始人林斌勾勒了他对小米的愿景,回应小米营收将快速增长135%,超过743亿元人民币(合119亿美元)。

“We are an internet company,” he said. “We are not in the business of only making handsets.”他说道:“我们是一家互联网公司,我们的业务某种程度还包括手机生产。”Xiaomi’s MIUI operating system, a customised version of Google’s Android software, is used by more than 100m smartphone owners around the world, he said. He intends to expand that scale even further, fuelled by more than $1bn in funding last year.他说道,全球逾1亿智能手机用户正在用于小米的米柚(MIUI)操作系统。他想在去年筹得的逾10亿美元资金协助下,更进一步不断扩大该系统的装机量。米柚是谷歌(Google)Android系统的自定义版本。

“Driving market share and having a great experience on the device that we sell to users is really the most important goal for us — not profit.”“对我们来说,最重要的目标是不断扩大市场份额,以及令其我们出售给客户的设备带给极好体验——而不是盈利。




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